Rescue Champion doing our best

Help! My Puppy Won’t Stop Peeing Inside

Whether you’ve followed all the housetraining advice you can find, you were told your new friend was already housetrained, or you’re just starting out on the wrong foot, these common housetraining mistakes could be...

Ultimate Guide to Puppy Proofing Your Home

Hopefully you’re a super responsible adult that always plans ahead so you’re reading up on puppy proofing before you bring your new pupper home HA. Yeah right! Who’s got time for planning unless we’re...

The Ultimate New Puppy Checklist – The Essentials!

-Click Here for a Printable New Puppy Checklist PDF- Whether you’re still researching doggos, have met your new best friend, or have already brought her home – we’re here to help. After helping a...

5 Surprising Benefits of Having Two Dogs

1. Dogs Love Playing With Each Other I know what you’re saying – dogs playing with each other isn’t surprising. Yea, yea I know but hear me out. Something that a lot of dog...

House training a puppy

How To House Train A New Puppy

If you’ve asked yourself questions like: What is the easiest way to potty train a puppy How do you stop a puppy from peeing and pooping in the house How long does it take...

A couple of puppies illustrating what a homeless dog looks like

How To Help A Stray Dog

If you’ve found a stray dog and are trying to help it, thank you. I will do my best to help you help the lost pup. In the interest of your time and the...

Featured image to illustrate finding a good dog trainer

5 Steps: How To Find A Good Dog Trainer

If you’re brand new to raising a puppy, have adopted a misbehaving older dog, or would just like to learn the best ways to train a dog, going to obedience school is a great...