5 Surprising Benefits of Having Two Dogs

1. Dogs Love Playing With Each Other

Showing how cute two dogs playing together is

I know what you’re saying – dogs playing with each other isn’t surprising.

Yea, yea I know but hear me out.

Something that a lot of dog owners don’t consider is that adding another dog can actually reduce your overall doggo exercise workload!

Your dog will now have a permanent buddy meaning they can play with each other all the time!

While you’ll still need to take them out for bathroom breaks and dedicated exercise, you won’t need to do so as much – unless you want to!

There’s nothing quite like watching two best dog buddies roll around and play together. Brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

2. It’s Good For Their Mental Health

Because it’s not normally recommended to adopt two dogs at the same time (unless you’re experienced with dogs), you’ll probably find yourself with a well adjusted and happy (maybe a bit lonely) dog.

Well, that calm, happy, and slightly self-absorbed (lol) dog you’ve raised is a perfect big brother or sister to another dog from a rescue or shelter that didn’t have the same lucky start to life that your dog got.

A lot of shelter animals have been handed a rough lot in life and may be scared, skittish, or otherwise poorly socialized.

Introducing a scared or skittish dog to your friendly and calm dog can bring out the best in a dog that seems to be scared of everything.

Giving a dog like that second chance to enjoy life is one of the purest feelings of giving you can feel. Just make sure you introduce the dogs before adopting.

3. An Older Dog Makes Training A Puppy Easier

Two dogs enjoying each other company showing how well behaved their influence can be

While your dog is good, he’s not quite good enough to teach a puppy how to roll over. Fortunately for you though, your dog can teach a new puppy a lot about being a dog in your house.

Not supposed to be on the couch? Your dog will let your pup know when you’re not around.

Was it a nightmare getting your first dog crate trained? You can count on your current dog’s calm demeanor and relaxed energy in the crate to calm your new dog’s nerves.

Dogs are very social animals and look to other dogs for how they are behaving. Don’t count this out!

4. It’s Not As Expensive As You Think

A lot of people giving advice may tell you that owning two dogs is twice as much money.

While there is no denying that it is more expensive, you can usually get multi-dog discounts with some planning.

Rather than paying per vet visit, some vets will allow you to just pay once per year – kind of like a subscription. This cuts down on vet costs.

Things like buying food in bulk help cut down on costs too.

The only downside is dogsitters. That usually is just straight up twice as much.

5. You’re Saving More Lives

This is true for any dog that you adopt from a shelter or rescue – you’re not just saving the dog you adopted – you’re making room in the shelter for more pups!

Your dog will benefit from more dog socialization, and you will get to enjoy the show. From two best dog buddies goofing off to the big brother dog keeping his watchful eye over his new little sister – you will see a different side of both dogs.

Adding a second dog to your family is all upside – if you’re prepared for the increased cost.

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